The Doctor of Chiropractic is trained in body mechanics and how to relieve the cause of the symptoms that you have. The term “pinched nerve” is not a clinical term but helps to explain why the symptoms you have may be directly associated with the spine. If you are suffering from radiating pain in the neck, arms, shoulders, back, legs or feet it may well indicate pressure on the nerves as they emit from the spine. Headaches are one of the most common results of nerves being stretched, irritated or compressed by inflammation in or near the spine. The doctor may call it a pinched nerve for easier understanding, and then identify it with a more clinical term on your insurance form. Undue pressure on a nerve may cause an increase or decrease in normal nerve impulse transmission and bring about symptoms from headaches, stomach malfunction, and numbness in the legs. Since the nervous system is the first system formed in embryo, every function of the body is related to the brain and the nerve pathways of the muscles, organs and bones. Your body temperature, speech, vision and balance are all controlled by the nervous system.

Specific areas of the spine emit the nerves to specific organs, tissues and muscles in the body


  • Dizziness, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, allergies, sore throat, head colds, ringing in the ears, etc.
  • Stiff neck, asthma, arm and shoulder pain, etc.
  • Stomach and digestive orders.
  • Kidney and urinary problems.
  • Bowel and female problems such as menstrual cramps and irregular periods.
  • Low back pains, sciatica, e.g. and knee pains, etc.
  • Swelling of the ankles and ankle discomfort.


The above listed symptoms are just a sample and are not meant to be all inclusive.

The Doctor of Chiropractic will normally check and adjust the area of the spine associated with the symptoms you have. This adjustment of the vertebra is done after thorough examination and X-ray to determine the exact location of the trouble. Published solely in the interest of Chiropractic Health Education.